• Settle Surgery

    Station Road
    Settle BD24 9AA

  • Bentham Branch Clinic

    Main Street
    High Bentham LA2 7LE

  • Gisburn Farm Office

    BB7 4ES

T: 01729 823 538

E: info@daleheadvetgroup.co.uk

RCVS Accredited

IRAP Treatment

What is IRAP treatment?

IRAP is a treatment for osteoarthritis or acute tendonitis, it is the latest substance for joint medication and is currently soaring in popularity as an alternative to corticosteroids. Studies so far a very encouraging - it has less cartilage degrading effects than steroids and no association with laminitis as steroids do.

Currently we are using this in joints with radiographic signs of damage/osteoarthritis and in selected cases of post arthroscopic surgery. It may be useful in cases where steroids are contra-indicated, such as laminitis prone ponies and would be safe in joints where fragmentation or chip fractures may be present - precluding the use of steroids. It is also worth trying joints where steroids have limited or short term results. IRAP has also been used to treat acute tendon injuries by intra-lesional injection into defined core lesions.

How does it work?

Interleukin-1 is one of the predominant inflammatory mediators in inflamed joints. By blocking its receptors we are trying to 'switch off' the inflammatory process, normalising the joint fluid environment and protecting the cartilage from further damage. IRAP is found in circulating blood, with our processing sytem we isolate and concentrate the IRAP into a small volume for intra-articular injection in the affected joint(s). Because this is a physiological injection it is safe to medicate multiple joints at the same time.

The effects of an IRAP injection are thought to last only a few days so to adequately break the cycle of inflammation within a joint it is necessary to repeatedly inject the joint to prolong the effect until the inflammation settles down. Currently most cases are receiving one injection weekly or fortnightly for three to four injections.

For more information on how IRAP could benefit your horse, please contact the surgery and speak to one of the equine vets.

telephone (01729) 823538    fax (01729) 825171    email info@daleheadvetgroup.co.uk

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