Rabbit Health

Rabbits can start their vaccinations from 5 weeks old. The vaccines consist of one injection which is given annually to protect against both Myxomatosis and Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (RVHD)
Read more about rabbit vaccinations
Rabbits are highly adapted to a diet high in fibre. Their teeth are continuously growing and as in the wild, they graze for many hours a day in order to wear them down.
Read more about rabbit nutrition
Fly strike or myiasis, E. cuniculi parasite, gut worms.
Read more about rabbit parasites
Neutering surgery is performed under general anaesthetic and can be performed from 3-4 months of age in male rabbits and 6 months of age in female rabbits. There are several health benefits for neutering.
Read more about rabbit neutering
Outdoors or indoors - rabbits need plenty of space and exercise.
Read more about rabbit housing