Rabbit Housing

Rabbits need to run, jump, stretch up, dig and forage, they are social animals and need the company of their own kind, living in groups as they do in the wild. You should consider buying at least two rabbits, having them sexed at the time of purchase and then neutered when they reach the correct age in order to avoid unwanted pregnancies, health and behavioural issues (see Rabbit Neutering).
The Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund (RWAF) believe that 'A Hutch is not Enough' and have excellent advise on how to create the perfect environment for your rabbit on their website: http://www.rabbitwelfare.co.uk.
They recommend a 6 x 2 x 2 foot hutch with an attached 8ft run as a minimum, and a pair of neutered rabbits (or a compatible group if you have enough space). This size is recommended because it is commonly accepted that rabbits should be able to take 3 hops in their hutch which for an average breed, equates to 6 feet. Also, in this country there will be many days when the weather makes it impossible for your rabbits to use their outside run so they need to have room to stretch out, eat and move about comfortably in their hut. There are some very fancy huts on the market but many people convert a garden shed for this purpose or as an alternative you can buy 'links' to create runs between your rabbit hut and their run (see below).

The rabbit hut should be situated in a place that gives shelter, shade and is draft free. It is recommended that you move your rabbit into an outbuilding such as a garage during cold or extremely hot weather but never move a rabbit from a very cold place to a very hot place or vice versa - in extreme cases this can be fatal.
You can also keep your rabbits indoors, either in a similar sized hut and run or letting them run free throughout your home as rabbits can be trained to use a litter tray. If you do let your rabbits run free through the house make sure that they can't reach any electric cables, poisonous plants and other hazards.
Rabbits love to play and become bored if they are left alone for long periods of time. There are now a wide range of toys available for rabbits to help keep them occupied in the times when you are not with them and to help keep their brains as well as their bodies active.