Practical Lambing Course
Our successful lambing course is going online this year. Designed both for novice shepherds and those with a bit more experience wanting a refresher.
We will be going through practical tips for lambing time:
- How to prepare for lambing & what kind of equipment you need.
- Common problems at lambing time, looking at the preventions and treatments available.
- The importance of colostrum, making sure the lamb gets enough, quickly.
- Lambing techniques: how and when to assist the birthing ewe including common malpresentations.
If you would like to join us please contact the surgery. We will require an email address from you for the Zoom link. Please contact the surgery before 12 noon on Thursday 25th February.
The course will be free of charge to Dalehead Flock Club members; others will be charged £25 + VAT. This charge will include a work booklet and various step by step laminated handouts.